
The Profundity of Cod

• Step 1 (shots)

• nurture pre-morbid thoughts, a limerant outlook •
fasten • behind eyes rouged by popular dis
coursing and bright orange aspartame
empty Werthers scuff their shoes and sulk •
dig in • decorate the trees or eggs • draw a
round intimacy • O • make ass-o-nance •
responding without self-expression she said: no •
dog’s piss snow holes don’t anymore even when
they are dead these dogs, that Argos •
i’m in profile • in profligacy • in sickness •
the same banners fly above us both ungraspable
a male spell, even blind rats route it out • erhm •
collapsible selves pack neatly away, stacked • bit
of a dust up • punched up the arse • they shake
hands afterwards, move back to their postcodes •
stand up now, fess out • wad towards the other
• the bigger picture: keeping it in perspective •

• Step 2

motorola’s streamlined force reduces variant
flipchart eugenics in tedious mission housing
bores the lunch development meeting into
acquiescence nascently redeemed by prawn
sandwiches and a glass of Vit C juicings
gnaw on need for a bit of classy Greek
a message undeciphered through the stats
marches all the big 6 into future pro
ductivity without libido superannuation
manacled against zero defects type away
define measure anaylse design verify
ourselves which we are enjoined to know
our working worth and our inner monad
pawing at itself in the toilet cubicle (GF)
practice your work under a symbol of
methodology punted in glass concrete
executed with benign beneficence
and subsidized gyms adjust the calliper
to pay less tax unless you opt out
his eyes glaze over describing himself
as intelligent on dead

• Step 3 (points)

• something prophetic about the third term
the last corner of triangles adding up
summarizing all into a sick seguer •
telling me about you through the book
club and the majesty of a dinner party
dreamt by the ego of the one and only I •
Heidegger’s on an island with a hammer
and running screaming the girls recall
their father-figure first times and foetal
discards • access to intimacy of my own
phylogenesis • tell yourself tales that co
•ordinate: 1) there is wound 2) beneath is
trauma 3) under deep that is precisely
nothing • unless but prod into shape of
Richard and Judy’s clingfilm interview
• self becomes parody of David Guest’s
strung hung face • your implants eat you •
soul and mystery: appreciate your depth

• Step 4

numbers caulk for boys adjectives 4 girls
the only thing taken from the lecture was
the toilet doors and cheap semantics smear
the eyeshadow on thick across your prehensile
brow systems force creativity flowing down
the chart and into 40-56-23 for invention is
related to contradiction so “i’ll never touch
one again” she said “but it could be denial”
the no thing is enigmatic now you can find
yourself in a designer chair and memory
foam mattress mystic pads for parasitic
colonisation of giving subject relations
to cost-benefit analysis and the aunt falls
off the flat on earth looking for direction
reassurance guidance? this is a gift. read it

• Step 5 (powerpoints)

produce 3.4 defective parts per million
opportunities • when P45’d you should
travel, it’s a must-see no-win scenario •
tiredness battled by a drip inches out
fatal lightbulbs, spend and save a/d
electric • if you don’t die in bed, it’ll
be on the toilet • matter of fact • bowels
don’t accommodate regression analysis
• we’re fucking a metaphor this morning
folks • we’re moulding an elite inner
child to combat over the daily decision
to be ourselves individually similar •

• Step 6

10 to positive living 5 to weight loss